- possible sentences
- using context clues
- repeated readings
- using our bodies
Before reading:
-Choose 8-10 Tier 2 Words from the text
-post words on a chart
-ask students to generate possible sentences using two or more of the words
-ask students to predict what the text is going to be about
During reading:
--tally each word when used in context
-remind students to use the context to figure out the word's meaning
After reading:
-refine definitions
-generate new sentences
The author of the article, Ted Kesler, suggests having students snap when they hear the vocabulary words. I started this with my kids before break and it creates major enthusiasm.
My goal in 2011 is to be more explicit with my vocabulary instruction. I am expected to teach a core basal program, Scott Foresman Reading Street. The program lays out vocabulary words for each story so that part is taken care of. The program calls them Amazing Words. But I have found that I have to teach the selection and spelling words' meaning as well. Well, should always teach them. It's difficult to get in everything! If I can cover all the words, that's what I feel like I'm doing-covering, not teaching. I don't have time to get in depth with the words consistently.
When we go back to school next week, I'm going to tweak my basal routine and spend a little more time front-loading the vocabulary. I'm also going to try this routine with my Guided Reading groups.
More on the other shared reading strategies later.
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