Saturday, October 1, 2011

October Read Alouds

Here are my favorite books for October:

Aaaarrgghh! Spider! by Lydia Monks is a great title to use for Reader's Theater.

Check out Mrs. Parker's link below for more recommendations!


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Multiplication Games

Here are some free online multiplication games:
Ride and Solve
Choose the second level of difficultly for multiplication problems.
Math Madness
Players can choose between easy and hard multiplication practice.
Weight Watch Advanced
Weight Watch requires players to balance equations.  The advanced version requires students to use multiplication to solve.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Common Core Resources

I created this chart for my grade level to use when we work on creating our new pacing guides for Common Core. It's just a table with second grade Common Core math objectives where we can add our resources.

I am linking a blank one for you to use and one that matches games and printables found at

Second Grade resource matrix
Common Core Second Grade Resources

Math Work Stations Blog Party Chapters 1 and 2

  1. Materials used by the teacher first, then placed in the station: Most of the time J (I work with a group and my assistant works with a group and I am guilty of putting new materials there.)
  2. Materials do not change weekly, but rather changed to reflect the students learning objectives:  Whoops…I repeat some of the same activities but I do change most of my stations each week.
  3. All students go to stations daily:  Yes.
  4. Materials are differentiated: Sometimes.
  5. The teacher observes work or meets with differentiated math groups: Yes.

1.      How do you (or will you) differentiate your math stations? {I added this from the bookmark...sorry}
Varying the number range.  With story problems, for example, I may include problems for one group that do not require regrouping, another group may have two-digit numbers that do require regrouping, and another group may have three-digit numbers that require regrouping.
2.  How and where do you keep your math stations? I post a rotation chart at the front of the room and have five plastic tubs under the chart.  Students take their tub to a spot in the room (three groups meet at different tables, one group at the carpet, and one group works at the computers).  
3.  How do you keep your math materials organized.? This is where I want to work right now! I have tubs filled with manipulatives that work well for students to grab.  But the games are in several different places.  I am hoping to get everything organized into totes according to topics. 

Here is a Combinations of 20 activity for your kids that need a challenge. Students match up the dogs and bowls (number sentences).
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

I will try to figure out how to post all the pages into one document!

You have to download the files to see the number sentences on the bowls.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Teaching Time

Here are some resources to help teach students to tell time in five-minute increments:

Fuel the Brain:

Time Keeper Interactive
This is a good activity to use on your Smart Board or in the computer lab.

Time Tunnel
This is a computer game that could also be used on your Smart Board, computer station, or computer lab.

Flip Flop Match 
This file folder game is available for only 99 cents.

Telling Time Worksheets 
Great homework, practice, or assessment sheets.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Simple Strategy to use for Common Mistake: Counting by Tens and Ones

My kids sometimes continue counting by tens even when the unit has changed to ones. For example, there are six dimes and seven pennies. My students begin counting correctly, "10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60..." but then instead of adding the additional ONES, they continue counting "70, 80, 90, ...." giving them the incorrect answer. I tried the simplest strategy that has really worked for my kids. They clap when the unit changes! So, now, they pay more attention to when the unit changes so they can loudly clap. I can't believe it works but it has really helped some of my students that were doing this frequently.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Science Center

I have a hard time fitting science in with everything else! Next week we are working on adjectives in language arts so I thought I would try to integrate properties of solids (matter).

Stock your science center with a variety of objects, magnifying glasses, and these recording sheets. Students closely examine the object and record how the object feels and looks under the texture, size, and color categories.